Email: financeandtaxes@yahoo.com
A trademark is a design, symbol, word or phrase that identifies the source of your products and distinguishes them from the products of other companies.
service mark is a trademark for a company that provides services. The word “trademark” is often used to refer to both trademarks and service marks.
trademark is “a word, phrase, symbol or design that identifies your goods and services” and distinguishes your brand from competitors. A trademark is used for goods, while a service mark is used for services. A trademark gives you the exclusive right to use your mark and helps prevent competitors from using a mark that’s the same as or very similar to yours. Simply using a name, logo or slogan in your business gives it some level of trademark protection, though these “common law” trademarks are hard to enforce and apply only in your immediate locality. You can get statewide trademark protection by registering your trademark with your state. WHAT CAN BE TRADEMARKED?
You can trademark many of the things that you use to distinguish your business from other businesses. You might have a trademark for:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() WHAT CAN'T BE TRADEMARKED?
You can't trademark many of the things that you use to distinguish your business from other businesses. You mightnot have a trademark for:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() To get federal trademark protection, your mark must be distinctive and not likely to be confused with an existing trademark. When considering a trademark, focus on what you are offering, why it’s different and what makes it stand out. Avoid generic descriptions of your product or service–the more distinct your proposed mark is, the better odds that the application will be approved. BENEFITS OF TRADEMARK? ![]()
One of the significant benefits of trademark
registration is that it grants exclusive rights over the trademark.
The trademark owner can apply the same for all the products or goods falling under the classes for which it is registered.
The trademark registration provides
the exclusive right to take legal action against third parties who use a similar or identical mark without authorised permission
for their products.
The other benefits of trademark registration is that it helps to establish goodwill and trust in a brand. The goodwill
of the brand increases when it becomes popular amongst customers. It helps to create regular loyal customers who recognise
products or goods from its brand and opt for the same brand.
A trademark having a good reputation and goodwill can also help obtain funds from financial institutions.
A trademark aims to distinguish goods and services from its competitors and create a brand identity. Trademark registration makes
it easy to commercialise or market a product or service with a unique brand identity in line with the market requirements. The brand identity communicates
the company’s quality, vision and several other features of the products and establishes its uniqueness amongst customers.
A trademark registration ensures the quality of the product or goods. Customers link the product’s quality with the brand.
It creates an image of the quality of a particular brand in
the market which helps to attract new customers. Thus, customers buy goods with a popular trademark in the market.
When third parties use a registered trademark for their products or goods without the owner’s permission, it amounts to infringement.
It means that if a third party violates the registered trademark, the trademark owner has a right to take legal action against them for
infringement. In a case of infringement, the court can order to stop the third party from using the
registered trademark and even give back the profits made by using such a trademark to the registered owner.
No. A “trade name” is basically the name that you’ve used to identify your company. It offers no legal protection or
limitless rights for the use of that name; it is just the name. Trade names are registered on the state level,
meaning a specific name may be available in one state but not another.
The registration of the trademark is quite beneficial in many aspects of the business.
Here is why you should choose FINNTAXES for trademark registration online.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send us the document online and we will start working.
FINNTAXES.COM is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation,
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PF Returns and ESI Returns, Trademark registration, digital signature registration, FSSAI Registration easily.
If you are looking for any Trademark registration Services or and IT Experts anywhere, You can write to us at - financeandtaxes@yahoo.com.
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FINNTAXES.COM provides the finance and taxation services for your business at very minimal prices. Go Paperless with FINNTAXES.COM and email us - financeandtaxes@yahoo.com |
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