Agriculture is said to be the primary occupation in India. It is usually the only source of income for the large rural population in India.
The country as a whole is entirely dependent on agriculture for its basic food requirements.
The government has numerous amount of schemes, policies and other measures to promote growth in this sector – one of them being an exemption from income tax.
The Income-tax Act has its own definition of agricultural income which constitutes the following 3 main activities:
I. Rent or revenue earned from agricultural land situated in India:
Rent is the amount received to grant the right to use the land.
The scope of the possible sources of income that can be derived from land is many. An example would be fees received for renewal of grant of land on lease.
However, the amount received on the sale of land is not covered under the definition of agricultural income.
II.Income from agricultural land in the following ways:
Under the Income Tax Act, the term salary is defined to include the following:
Agriculture: The meaning of agriculture though not covered in the Act, has been laid down by the Supreme Court in the case CIT v. Raja Benoy Kumar Sahas
Roy where agriculture has been explained to consist of two types of operations –basic operations and subsequent operations.
The basic operations would include cultivation of the land and consequently tilling of the land, sowing of seeds,
planting and all such operations that require the human skill and effort directly on the land itself.
The subsequent operations would include operations that are carried out for growth and preservation of the produce like weeding,
digging soil around the crops grown etc and also those operations which would make the product fit for use in the market like tending,
pruning, cutting, harvesting, etc. Income derived from saplings or seedlings
grown in a nursery would also be considered to be agricultural income whether or not the basic operations were carried out on land.
Through the performance of a process by the cultivator or the receiver of rent (in-kind) that results in the agricultural produce being
fit to be taken to the market: Such processes involve manual or mechanical operations
that are ordinarily employed to make the agricultural produce fit for the market and the original character of such produce is retained.
Through the sale of such agricultural produce: Where the produce does not undergo ordinary processes employed to become marketable,
the income arising on sale would generally be partly agricultural (exempt) income and part of it will be non-agricultural (taxable) income.
III. Income derived from farm building required for agricultural operations:
The conditions for classifying income derived from farm building as agricultural income are as follows:
The building should be on or in the surrounding area of the agricultural land. Also, the rent receiver or cultivator of the land,
by reason of his connection with the land,
requires the building as a house to stay or as a storehouse or uses it for these kinds of situations.
Either of the two conditions should be satisfied:
- The land is assessed by either land revenue or a local rate assessed and collected by government officers; OR
- Municipality includes municipal corporation, notified area committee, town area committee, town committee and cantonment board.
In cases where the activities have only some distant relation to land like dairy farming, breeding, rearing of livestock, poultry farming, etc.
they do not form a part of agriculture income.
There is a complete tax rebate on agriculture income in these cases
If your total agricultural income is less than Rs. 5,000;
If the income from agricultural land is your only source of income i.e. no other income;
Where you have both agricultural income and other income and if the total income excluding such agricultural income is less than the basic exemption limit.
But, in case, your agricultural income exceeds Rs. 5,000 and you have other sources of income too, then the tax liability for that year is to be calculated as:
Compute income tax on the aggregate income (i.e. agricultural income + other income) as per the prevailing income tax rates.
Compute income tax on the sum of the amount of basic exemption limit plus agricultural income as per the prevailing income tax rates.
Now, Compute (1) – (2) to arrive at the tax liability for the year.
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